NBM News

National Building Museum welcomes Michael Green for Spotlight on Design

June 14, 2017


Renowned advocate for timber construction featured in Museum’s exhibition Timber City

Michael Green Architecture’s T3. Photo by Ema Peter.

Vancouver-based designer Michael Green presents innovations in cross laminated timber construction, including his firm’s seven story T3 building, which is featured in the exhibition Timber City. Principal of Michael Green Architecture and a TED talk alum, Green is a longtime advocate for mass timber construction. Timber City will be open prior to the talk.

National Building Museum
401 F Street NW
Washington, DC 2001

Metro: Red Line, Judiciary Square

Monday, June 19, 6:30-8 pm

$12 for Museum members, $20 for non-members, free for students. Register here.

Press passes available; contact Emma Filar at efilar@nbm.org or 202.272.2448, ext. 3458 to request.

The National Building Museum is America’s leading cultural institution dedicated to advancing the quality of the built environment by educating people about its impact on their lives. Through its exhibitions, educational programs, online content, and publications, the Museum has become a vital forum for the exchange of ideas and information about the world we build for ourselves. Public inquiries: 202.272.2448 or visit www.nbm.org. Follow us on Twitter: @BuildingMuseum and Facebook: www.facebook.com/NationalBuildingMuseum.

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